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Search Results for: disruptive selection

Disruptive Selection

An evolutionary process known as disruptive selection (or disruptive natural selection) causes a population to become... Read More

Natural selection

Natural Selection Definition What is natural selection in biology? Natural selection is defined as a process in nature... Read More

A Look Into Natural Selection and its Mechanisms

Charles Darwin is credited with outlining the fundamentals of evolution. He was a smart and eager pupil and protégé, and... Read More

Sympatric speciation

Speciation is a process of evolution through which two different existing populations evolve and a distinct species form. It... Read More

Population Growth and Survivorship

By: Maria Victoria GonzagaPreviously, we learned about biodiversity and endemism. Now, let's look at the... Read More

Primary succession

Primary Succession Definition Primary succession is an ecological succession where a newly formed area is inhabited for the... Read More